“Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols”
Acts 17:16
Recently while perusing my Facebook News Feed and enjoying a few minutes of cyber voyeurism (this is what it feels like at times) I took interest to a video posted by a friend of mine. This particular video was a biting take on modern day idolatry.
In this particular expose the videographer depicted the idol worship found in some African nations and verbally described in detail what was happening. He then rewound the tape.
Upon this rewind he again played back the audio of his description, but changed the images he was displaying. Instead of tribal Africa, the backdrop now showed football loving America. Wouldn’t you know it all fit.
Now I am not writing today to condemn the practice of football. Any one out there that knows me would know that I am a fan. Go Buckeyes! However, I am writing to caution us of the idols we hold in our lives.
Football may be the easy target due to its grandiose affair but there are many more out there. Let us also point out music. Ask any teen today and they will tell you of at least one artist that they would just die to see. This even goes for our Christian teens and their Christian bands.
As we grow older for many music and football are not as appealing, but the enemy is quick to replace it with something else. At times we can allow our career to get the best we have. Or could it be the ministry that you adore so much. For some it is their worship, maybe they are the best worshiper in the church and it is what they live for. The point is maybe there is something getting in your way.
The minute something comes between you and God you have a problem. The minute your ministry is more important than the God it is suppose to be for, is the minute you have formed an idol that stands before you. Yes, you may be the best worshiper, but what are you worshiping. Your God, or your worship.
What is it? You already know the answer. All I am asking of you today is to confront it and confess it. Acting as if there is nothing in your way does nothing but impede you.
Stop it!
Let us no longer have provoked spirits, but do let us have exhilarated ones. Have a spirit that is charged with God, not tampered by sin. Stop creating barriers and start breaking them down.
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