“Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.”
Romans 8:9
Do any of you reading this today remember the moment when the need to be one with Christ finally clicked. Maybe you have yet to cross that moment, or maybe it went by over a series of moments and no one event sticks out. However, for me there is most definitely one singular moment where everything just hit me and I knew I had to commit my life to Christ.
I was listening to a military chaplain speak on some lesson, the lesson I forget and is unimportant in this story, and he quoted the above highlighted scripture. During the weeks leading up to this bible study I had been reading the book of John and reflecting on my childhood in the church. Then I walked into this study and God got a hold of me.
Something about the thought of not belonging to Christ, not being one of His, is what scared the hell out of me, literally. I knew right then that something had to give. Has that happened to you?
Now that I have had many years pass since that day I still reflect on that particular scripture. Stop. Re-read. Think.
Do you have the Spirit of Christ? Are you sure? This is no laughing matter. The scripture is quite clear that if you do not have the Spirit of Christ then you are not His, so you better have it.
Now let me clarify something. To have the Spirit of Christ does not mean you speak in more tongues than your neighbor. Nor does it mean you fallout in the Spirit every Sunday. What it does mean is that you walk in the peace and joy of Christ Jesus and allow His will to lead each and every step of your life. It means that you are empowered by the Spirit and accomplish great things that draw attention to Him, not you.
I have just read Forgotten God by Francis Chan and I must say I agree with much of what he has to say. In this book he expresses an opinion that for many of us we give little attention to the necessity of the Spirit in our life. It is like He is not God or something.
Let me make something very clear. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD.
This is what makes it so important to have the Spirit in you. If you do not have the Spirit, and the Spirit is God, then can you really say you have God in your life. The Spirit was sent to be with us on Earth, He is God in your life. Embrace Him. Now!
Maybe you did not have a moment during a bible study in which the Spirit just fell on you such as I did, but you still need a moment. Take this week and focus on the Holy Spirit and focus on having more of Him in you life.
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