He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Matthew 16:15
I have often wondered about who Jesus really is. I mean what was it really like to sit and walk with Him while He was on Earth. Reading through scripture we get a pretty broad perspective.
It begins with Him being the life of the party when He turned water into wine. Later we see that He was a bit of a rebel as He sifted wheat on the Sabbath. There is that time He took a whip to the moneychangers at the temple. (Does that mean He had anger issues?) Let us not forget the miracle worker when He walked on water, calmed a storm, healed many, cast out demons, and multiplied the fish and loaves. My goodness just who is this man?
This really is an intriguing question, but even more intriguing is who do you say He is?
When we review the Gospels for the characteristics of Jesus we see a man of many qualities. In retrospect it may just be easier to say who He is not. He is not:
Maybe it is that last one we should really focus in on. Jesus is not heartless. In fact He is heart-full. It is this overflowing love that allowed Him to ask for “this cup to pass” but still have the courage to say “it is finished.”
When I am really getting to the grit of who Jesus is to me I can’t help but think that He is my everything. But what does that mean? How do you really share that with someone? Can a nonbeliever even comprehend that?
Truth is, is that by saying Jesus is our everything we are not really explaining His awesomeness, but instead we are revealing our inability to describe Him. Does that make Him indescribable? Not really.
Simply, lets call it what it is: Love. Who do I say He is? I say He is the one that loved me so much that He gave Himself for me. He is the one that was willing to take the punishment that I deserve just so He and I can be one together. Is that who you say He is?
Its not that I have all the answers, but at least I have an answer. This should be a challenge to every believer. Who do you say He is? If you don’t know, well, maybe it is time.
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