Thursday, March 22, 2012

Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God”
Psalm 46:10

Busyness. What a mess our busyness can be at times. We run from one chore to the next never taking the time to just be still.

As we continue down this path of busyness we begin to become less and less in control of ourselves and more and more at the mercy of the world around us. Before we know it we are going to the doctor for blood pressure and anxiety. He in turns gives a regiment of medications that we are too busy to pick up.

We make these little calendars so that we can keep it all straight, but instead we become slaves to our pocket schedules. Instead of having the freedom to live spontaneously we live by the schedule dictated to us. Not that there is anything wrong with orderliness, but sometimes we just need to let go.

God’s word tells us to be still and know that He is God. When was the last time you have done this? I mean really been still, not that quick Hail Mary you throw up as you head out the door.
Every day we should strive to spend time with the Lord. Resting in His presence and hearing the schedule He has for us, after all He does know the plans He has for us.

Trust me, I know about busyness. Right now I am writing this all down frantically so that I can get to print in time for Sunday. My days have become so full that even weekly devotionals are hard to keep up with. So yeah, I am busy. However, this week I ask you to join me in slowing down. Busy is not healthy. Let us all slow down and take time to be with the Lord. Besides what good is it to gain the world, but lose our souls.

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