Thursday, November 3, 2011


And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so. And GOD saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”

Genesis 1:30,31

It has often been commented that at times I can make too much of a dewdrop. Whenever I teach on thanksgiving I like to stress the importance of thanking GOD for each and every thing. This then typically leads to me exaggerating the beauty of dew and thanking GOD for this tiniest of provision. Undoubtedly there is at least one who chuckles and comments on the dew prayer.

But let us stop for one moment. Dew has a purpose. At some point in the circle of life there is a creature that depends on it. In turn that creature is depended on by another, and so on and so on. This continuation along the circle will eventually lead to us. Therefore in a round about way we depend on dew. True, it may not be essential, but we do stand to benefit.

I suppose at this point you are wondering what I am getting at. It is quite simple really. We depend on more than we know. Now this time I really want you to stop. Now think. How many things on any given day do you depend on but take for granted? Now take that number and double it, because I am sure there is a multitude of items and blessings that you do not notice yet you rely upon.

For example do you ever thank GOD for the wind? Without wind we would not experience many atmospheric changes that allow our world to support life. Yet the only time it gets any playtime in our busy heads is when we complain of its nuisance.

We as people live in such a small box. We go around day to day not realizing how many blessings GOD has laid out before us. At the beginning of all time he arranged everything. Everything you see, every action that occurs, He set in motion. Yet we take them all for granted.

In the opening scripture GOD makes two declarations. First He declares that all of these creations are for us. WOW. He created all of this for us. So that we may enjoy them and be happy. So we may know Him through His creation and embrace Him for His provision. All He desires is our love, and for it He created things that man has only begun to understand.

Secondly, He declared that it all was very good. GOD thinks you are good. This is possibly the single greatest message you can take away from this writing or any other for that matter. GOD thinks you are very good, not just good, but very good.

So is it really funny that I thank GOD for dew, or is it just a way to become a little more humble in His awesomeness. What little things have gone unnoticed in your life that you could thank GOD for today? After all He created it just for you, because He finds you to be very good.

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