Friday, March 25, 2011


Days are nothing more than the building blocks of a life wasted. Years become the great expanse of time in which we record the nothing that occurred. During these blank meaningless measures we have moments… moments are what we live for.

I am the guy that must plan out his entire life. If there is a moment that is unplanned I feel lost and fall into a sedentary state. Most of my plans are written down, and then written again for good measure. Constantly paranoid that I may neglect to follow the route that I have designed. I am sure if given the opportunity I would develop a flow chart of my morning routine and hang it in the bathroom (the wife has assured me this is unacceptable). Nonetheless, this is me and to my detriment the very reason I have neglected Sacred Scrawlings for so long.

In my world I have scheduled time to be a husband, a father, a pastor, a student, a candidate for public office, a board member, and an employee, but I have not scheduled time to be a writer. As is evident by what has made it into my calendar (thank you Blackberry for assisting me with that) I wear many hats and love them all, however, the writers hat I deeply miss.

Writing is but one passion that I have; it is but one passion I seem to ignore. I have often said that God led me to write my first novel, and has been leading me to write more, yet I write not. Has this happened to you? Why do we ignore some things that make us so happy, yet focus on others that make us miserable?

Today I began listening to Over the Rhine (a band from Ohio that is a must listen) and the writing bug hit me hard. In this moment I cannot think of anything else but returning to my art of expression. My soul is at peace and the calm is overwhelming. The fingers that have been scribbling plans now simply desire to scrawl thoughts. The plan doesn’t seem to matter, for it has been consumed by the moment.

In the end, days and years do not matter, they are only measures that pass us by; it is the moments that are precious. It is the moments that are a gift from God for us to hang on to. When the days and years get to hard to bear, it will be the moments that carry you through. So, today, at this moment stop and dare to have one that means something, one that wisps through those building blocks and great expanses of time, one that you savor and keep just for you.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean. For not writing in a while this was a very intuitive observation about the human mind. I feel the same way sometimes. When Autumn comes, the smell of air and the feel of the wind makes me miss Cross Country. When my mind is overwhelmed to the point of exploding with every day problems it makes me want to pick up Tolkien or Lewis (either CS or EW) or Chesterton or whoever. Diving into those worlds helps calm my mind by allowing it to travel in a world not my own.

    Good post.
