Monday, May 10, 2010

Mowing through the Storm

Today’s topic is one of a mundane variety: mowing the lawn. Just this past weekend, Saturday to be exact, I was in quite the mowing predicament. Winds were blowing fiercely through the region, spats of rain were coming and going, and the temperature was a bit to cool to entice anyone outdoors. With all of this occurring at once I sat in my cozy living room putting off the task at hand.

As the dinner hour was upon me I looked at the weather forecast for the next week, starting Monday since I would not mow on a Sunday, and saw that rain was to be anticipated nearly all week. This put me to the realization that it did not matter when I mowed; there would be inclement weather regardless.

So, I rushed to the shed and began my task. Cold, wet (though it was not raining, it was my tears that moistened me), and I want to say tired but that would not be truthful. The mowing was actually pretty easy going, that is until I had to refuel.

After my short pause I doggedly go back at it, when to my surprise (not really) it began to rain. My first thought was to run inside and put off the rest of my lawn until another day. That lasted all of a few seconds. I quickly decided to forge on and at least finish the front section (I couldn’t have my neighbors mock me for my half mowed lawn). As I 'mowed' through the storm something awesome occurred.

The torrential storm , that barely left a puddle, raged for mere minutes before the rain stopped and the sun broke through. I few minutes later I became warm and wanted to remove my jacket. It was like a whole new day. Needless to say, the lawn was finished that day.

In reflection of this usually mundane task I had a revelation. Life in many ways is like mowing your lawn. The storms are coming, and many times you are in one at the time, but you cannot put off the labor of your day. The storms will always be with us, but the fruit can only occur when we push through.

Our Lord promised us that life would not be easy. He promised us that living for the world would get us nowhere. He also promised us that the riches of heaven are awaiting us. So, today let me leave you with this. It does not matter how bad of a storm you see or feel there is always a ‘son’ filled sky on the other side.

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