What a popular quote this has become. There are many popular variations that can be heard on any given day in today's vernacular. I recall a time when I was a bit younger when I would enter a room, flip the switch for the light, and call out, 'and God said let there be light.' (Yes, I was that annoying kid that needed hit when I was younger, and according to my wife I still am.)
However, the intention is not to discuss the relevance of this scripture in relation to creation of the world, but instead we will be looking into the creation of a new you. At some point in every person's life there has to be that moment of change, that moment of a light turning on. That light turned on for me when I left to go and be a soldier in the Army.
The wedding bells were still dancing in my head, or at least the recorded version of the bells was, the day that I kissed my young wife goodbye. The two of us had been united as one for not even a month when we first departed ways. Her tangled mass of curls draping over her sullen face did little to hide the tears that raced over her slightly sloping cheek. Gently I caressed my thumb just under her eye and swept away the brackish water as I gently whispered my devotion and love to my one and only girl. She offered a forced smile, our lips met one last time, and I turned to enter the recruiter's office. I made it through the first four weeks of basic training before I completely cracked.
When I left to join the military I was a very selfish man and cared little for other people, but when I came home I was an on fire agent of God. It was when I was taken away from those who I loved that God was finally able to breakthrough. I had been separated, made open to the world around me, broken to the point of desperation, and then received the light that made all things possible. It is these principles to changing your life with the aid of God that made me a new man.
-Be Set Apart
-Be Open
-Become Broken
-Receive the Light
Be set Apart: You must allow yourself to be taken away from the situations in your life that cause the most harm. There is no way to transact change if you are unwilling to move. For every action there is an equal or greater reaction. If there is no action then there is no reaction.
Be Open: After you remove yourself from the harmful situation, then you must become open to the realm of possibility. Remember that God created you for something, no matter how crazy it may be. A dream is nothing more than a vision of your future.
Become Broken: Now that you have taken action and allowed yourself to dream it is time to be broken. When I say broken I mean it is time to realize your shortcomings and the wrongs of your past. This is VERY painful, but well worth it. We all have those proverbial skeletons and in order to accurately cast your vision you must let them free. Remember: The only way to be repaired is to first be broken.
Receive the Light: By now you will be a big ball of confusion, good that is just where you should be. On one hand you feel free because of your vision and removal from the situation. On the other hand the broken state has humbled you. It is only in this humbled state that you can peer through the darkness into the light and see the road meant for you. In darkness we can only dream, but in light we can actually achieve.
"In the beginning God said, 'let there be light.'" It is this command by God that changed the world and today I reference it to point out that God is saying the same about you. It is the desire of God to be part of your life, He wants to be the change. We, as people, can only go so far, but with God (the light) we can accomplish amazing feats. Let there be light in your life and you too can experience the change you need.
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