Yes, that is correct. Apparently we have entered the world of Facebook Validation. This is a world not all that unlike our own. There is quite a bit of diversity and there is always something (but many times nothing) going on. So why don’t you join me on a short trip to the wonderful world of Facebook Validation.
On this simple little world there are millions of people, the strangest people you have ever met indeed. Whenever you look upon the natives they seem to be exposing their tongue, or wearing some horrible sweater, and sometimes they are in some odd contortionist pose that is fully alien to all who gaze upon them. Yes indeed this world is quite strange.
While here you learn more than you ever desired about the inhabitants. For instance, one resident recently informed us of their need to go study (but really they prefer to procrastinate.) Another resident just blurted out that they really had to use the restroom (and the funny thing is; I actually was curious about that.) The topper, though, is the one that just validated their relationship by posting their lovers name in their relationship status (how disgustingly sweet!) As you can tell this is a very 'open' territory and few people are holding back their thoughts.
It was recently explained to me, though I still don’t quite understand the logic, that "[I]t ain't official if it ain't on Facebook." Apparently in the world of Facebook Validation everything that is important to the residents must be shared in an open forum or it just didn't happen. It is as if the whole world has spiraled into this existence where their actions must be approved of by all other residents.
Fortunately, I have the luxury of not living in this world, though I am not fully free from its grasp. I, for one, still believe in the individual and that sometimes the unpopular decision is the right decision. In many ways this society has forgotten how to keep the mystery of self sacred, and instead has placed all their cards on the table with what are essentially strangers. Where is the romance in that?
I am glad that I only visit this world occasionally (though my current visit is getting quite lengthy) and I can leave whenever necessary. Some people (oh, how I pray) have become lost in this world and currently we are sending rescue teams to call them back. So far we have rescued a total of -8 people. That is right we lost our entire maiden team. To that we are not concerned; for we are sure our next team of 12 will prevail.
A final note for all of you lost in the world of Facebook Validation: we are on our way, just hang in there. For now I leave you, but please hurry with the teams for I write this from behind enemy lines and your link to me can be found in my status as I await you validation.