Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Birthed Blessing

“But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:20,21

Every time I read the portion of scripture that details the reaction of Joseph to the news of Mary’s pregnancy I cannot but feel a little inadequate as a man. I know that may seem a bit odd for me to say, but think about it. He has just become engaged to a woman and they had yet to know one another in the most intimate of ways. In today’s society I am sure this would pass by with little notice, but in ancient times this was cause for a woman to be stoned.

Joseph had to be swimming in anxiety. There were only two options. One: He defiled his betrothed before the actual wedding and his name would be tarnished as well as hers. Two: She engaged in sexual activity with another man and again defiled his name and Mary would now be executed. To make matters worse an angel came to him and told him that this child was of the Lord’s.

So instead of running away from this woman that was sure to bring him nothing but issues at the Temple, he trusted God. This makes me wonder if I can trust God in the same way? Do we have what it takes to just trust God and his ways, even when our world is telling us that we have committed a grave error?

There will be times in our lives when God will speak to us in such a way that we will want to run instead of receive. At times the ways of the Holy Spirit are foreign to us and we are incapable of fully understanding what it is that He desires. Regardless, we must open our hearts and trust God.

Today, during this Christmas season, I hope that we can all begin to trust God just a little bit more. After all, Joseph did and as a result he was able to share the rest of his life with his Savior. Doesn’t that sound like a gift you want? Do you desire to spend the rest of your days with your Savior? If so then just let go of cultural standards and begin to search for what God wants to conceive and birth in you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Losing Christmas

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

I can remember as a small boy being full of so much anticipation and excitement for Christmas. Every year we would run down the stairs and look at all the gifts under the tree. It was as if the whole world dumped all their treasures on my living room floor. If you couldn’t tell I really loved Christmas.

Here is the crazy part. My Christmases were always very small. If I remember correctly there were only three gifts every year. We would get some crayons and a coloring book, some clothes, and then some inexpensive toy that I would always adore.

Now compare the first two paragraphs, they almost don’t seem to fit. Do they? Bottom line is that as a child I never knew what to expect, I only knew what I had always had. Sure, I had seen other friends that received mountains of gifts, but for some reason that never bothered me.

In this season of giving we have become so obsessed with who to buy for and how much to give that we have completely forgotten the “reason for the season”. Yes, I have heard the chants from coast to coast about not taking the Christ out of Christmas. How annoyed we get when someone says Happy Holidays or Merry Xmas. But in some ways those are not even the big issue.

Long before the current trend made annual media coverage the enemy lead us astray by getting us to focus on an abundance of unnecessary giving. The word says that the Lord wants a cheerful giver. How cheerful are you when you purchase and give some of your holiday gifts, oops I mean Christmas gifts.

Really, I desire that you take the time to think about this issue. It makes absolutely no sense, and is not biblical, to spend into debt or to fall behind in obligations just so you may give a half hearted gift that you did not want to give in the first place. It is time we stop allowing “the market” tell us what Christmas is about and remember it for ourselves.

Christmas is about remembering the greatest gift ever given. We in turn give presents in honor of that. So ask yourself, does that remote caddy you bought for Uncle Teddy really honor God? Or does it honor a secularly induced guilt you possess within you?

It is time to really remember Christmas. It is time to really put the Christ back into Christmas. It is time to stop listening to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.