Monday, July 2, 2012

Declining Immorality

This morning on my drive into work I heard an interesting statistic. The radio announcer stated that in 1997 people were asked whether or not musicians should be able to say and act as they wanted when performing. At that time 27% of the respondents agreed with that statement. Now fast-forward 15 years to 2012 and ask that same question. In doing so it was found that 42% of the people agreed with that statement. WOW!

I do not know why but this statistic really surprised me. In some way I suppose I was still hoping that the concept of decency was somewhat prevalent. Unfortunately, it seems to be losing ground.

Think about it. These numbers seem to reflect a 1% increase every year in the group that believes in anything goes. Anything goes! It truly is a scary thought is it not? Let us expound further.

If this same rate of growth continues then a child born today will graduate with 60% of the people around them believing that when it comes to music, and probably most anything, anything goes. Gone are the days of “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” and hello are the days of bringing Vegas to Main Street.

Can I tell you something else? I do not believe we have hit the tipping point. A tipping point is the point in which a movement or a trend goes from a slow unnoticed growth (or decline) and exponentially gains (or loses) ground. This whole growth of immorality in our children and our community could get quite a bit worse. Or it could get better.

I know that at times when we look around us it seems that the world is gaining ground and the Kingdom is losing it, but the battle is not lost. Time and time again in the Old Testament we read of Israel being captured (by their own sin mostly) and then cast out of their land, but time and time again they regained what was lost. I believe we can do the same.

It is time that we stop sitting on our hands with eyes pressed shut and mouths muted. Stand up! Speak the truth and stare the immorality in the face. Be the difference that our children need.

When the next generation looks around what do they see? Obviously the world is everywhere and has no problem pressing its beliefs on us and our children. They are fighting to influence us and to change us, when God has called US, His people, to be the agents of change. God has called us to be unmovable from His side. God has called us, what else do you need?

I don’t know, maybe I am just on a rant today, but someone has to be ranting. I love my God. I love my family. I love my church. For these reasons I will STAND UP, and I ask that you STAND UP too.